Members of team

PowerKingLa | PowerKingGKD P

PowerKingJK | PowerKingNinja P



1The equation of how the Rank Point is calculated: Ranking Score per match + Kills Score per match) x Average Coefficient of your team. Please check the Coefficient table as follows:

Tier Coefficient
Silver 1
Gold 1.1
Platinum 1.21
Diamond 1.33
Master 1.41
GrandMaster 1.52

2The Coefficient will only be applicable with in Online Qualifier stage. Your Coefficient ratio is based on your tier at the time when registration ends.

3To check your real-time ranking and score please refer to in-game event page (within Contests menu).

4If two teams obtain the same points, total kills and damage will be the judgment criteria.


1Any given team’s game result is calculated by the sum of Rank Points and Kill Points per opponent killed:

Team Rank Rank Point Kill Point
1 225 20
2 170
3 150
4 130
5 110
6 95
7 80
8 65
9 55
10 45
11 35
12 30
13 25
14 20
15 10
15+ 10

2ROS KH Cup Official Committee will ensure gameplay stability as best to their ability during competition. However, the risk of encountering unexpected glitches or game crashes may still exist. If any unexpected circumstances occur, ROS KH Cup Official Committee may reserve the right to perform necessary actions

3ROS KH Cup Official Committee may consider compensating participant with his average or standard score whichever is higher for whoever encountering unexpected glitches or game crashes. Participants are suggested to proactively reach out to ROS KH Cup Official Committee with supporting evidences at their earliest convenience

4If one-third of all the participating teams are affected from a match due to glitches or game crashes, ROS KH Cup Official Committee reserves the right to call a rematch or offer compensation. However, the match must go on if otherwise stated.

5ROS KH Cup Official Committee is responsible of recording and sharing the end results of all match history


1All decisions especially with regards to interpretation of any regulations, player eligibility, scheduling, staging of the ROS KH Cup Official Committee, and penalties for misconduct, lie solely with the ROS KH Cup Official Committee.

2ROS KH Cup Official committee’s decision with respect to all the rules and regulations cannot be appealed and shall not give rise to any claim for monetary damages or any other legal or equitable remedy.

3All the given rules and regulations are subjected to modifications at ROS KH Cup Official Committee’s ease to obtain the best interest of fair play and the integrity of the ROS KH Cup Official Committee.

4The committee at all times may act as the necessary authority to preserve the best interests of the Rules of Survival KH Cup. This power is not constrained by the lack of any specific languages in this document.

5ROS KH Cup Official Committee may use any forms of punitive actions at their disposal against any entity whose conduct is not within the confines of the best interests of the ROS KH Cup.

6Teams are expected to play at their best at all times and to avoid any behavior inconsistent with the principles of good sportsmanship, honesty, or fair play.